Bridgestone SA is a unit of the world’s No.1 tyre manufacturer. Today, Bridgestone develops, manufactures, and markets tyres for passenger, light truck, truck, bus, earthmoving, agricultural, motorcycle, and aircraft applications. Leading the way in this new millennium, Bridgestone develops leading technology to keep at the top of the industry, providing customers with innovative, quality products.
Infrastructure utilised:
  • Cameras;
  • Access control;
  • Data solution;
  • Network points
  • UP’S; and
  • Audio and visual solutions

Core infrastructure solutions provided a secure and self-contained server room environment for their networking needs. New network points, access points and Wi-Fi provided connectivity to the business and its staff. Additionally, a UPS was installed to prevent any downtime. Finally, cameras and access control provided the security Bridgestone needed to remain focussed on their core business.